Dermaplaning: What is it?

Dermaplaning has become a trendy and popular service amongst both celebs and the every day person. What is it and how does it work?

A licensed esthetician moves a scalpel back and forth on the skin, removing dirt and vellus hair (something you may know as peach fuzz.) This process softens lines and wrinkles as well as reduces uneven skin tone. Its even been known to help with acne scarring.

While most people have no reaction or adverse effects, this isn’t a technique you should employ at home. A licensed esthetician has been trained with the proper methodology to ensure the integrity of your skin.

Our own licensed esthetician, Huntley Dillion, says, “I recommend dermaplaning every four weeks for my own clients. There’s no downtime afterward; you just need sunscreen and moisturizer because of the temporary sensitivity of the skin.”

Dermaplaning can be used as a standalone service or added to one of our customized facials. If you have further questions, shoot us an email at [email protected] or give us a call at 865.523.5569.

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