Most of us dread it every year; the day the sun disappears at 5 P.M. You’ve hardly left work and you drive home with the headlights on, feeling like your personal time is over before it ever really began. Each day seems a little darker than the last until you’re finally contemplating buying one of those artificial sunlight lamps for even the slightest reprieve.

And while those lamps may work, there are some other things to get you through the dark autumn and winter months. Keep reading below for five self care tips on staving off the fall back blues.

1. A movie, a face mask, and a glass of wine.

This method is tried and true, as seen in countless romantic comedies over the years. Settle down with your favorite glass of wine, slather on a face mask, and put on your comfort movie. Transport yourself to another location for a few hours and you’ll forget all about the cold, dark night outside. We’re partial to Eminence Organic Skin Care as they align with our vegan mission, but any face mask will do.

2. Try to take a daily walk at lunch – and avoid the tanning bed.

Sunlight is very important for the production of vitamin D. During the autumn and winter months it can be hard to get enough, leading many people to the tanning bed for that brief warmth and feeling of a summer day. However, as many by now know, this is incredibly detrimental to your skin and potentially your health. Instead, try to take a walk at lunch; experts say as little as fifteen minutes a day in the sun can be enough to lift your spirits.

If you’re missing that summer glow, consider a sunless tan instead. Our vegan spray tan solution will give you the tan you’re looking for without compromising your health. You can book online here.

3. Stay connected.

It can be easy to lock yourself away when the weather starts to change and the days get shorter, but it’s crucial to make time for family and friends. A little laughter goes a long way and making plans gives you something to look forward to. Consider going for lunch and pedicures together, or even make a habit of a daily walk to kill two birds with one stone.

4. Keep a gratitude journal.

A gratitude journal has been known to improve one’s mood, self-worth, and positivity. Just jotting down a few things a night can help you reflect on the things you have to be grateful for and help endure the short days.

5. Slow down.

While the days may be shorter, it seems like the list of obligations this time of year is far longer. The holidays kick into high gear in November and don’t seem to slow down until January. Take time for yourself and remember to pause once in awhile.

Consider a massage or a facial in our new spa. An hour of relaxation to yourself away from the stressors of daily life can do a world of good.