Have Healthy Colored Hair for March
As a society and as a salon, we love hair color! Light, dark, rainbow: we love it all! There are unfortunate realities when it comes to color though. At the end of the day, you are putting strong chemicals on your hair and altering it on a molecular level. As intimidating as that may sound, […]
Lox keeps growing..
We’ve done it again & hired a new-t0-Lox stylist, but she is not new to the industry. Alillie Brady joins us as our newest team member & we are excited to show you all she has to offer. Alillie loves working with short hair, such as men’s cuts & pixies. She also is pretty skilled […]
Master of Success

We call them “Masters” because of the hard work & dedication they have continually put forth in their careers. Every new stylist graduates Cosmetology School with a degree of ‘mastery’ over their new found craft. Only a few out of each graduating class really stick with it & push themselves to grow with the industry. […]