Congrats, Ben & Erin!

Lox would like to give a shout out to our favorite male stylist and his beautiful wife & congratulate them on their nuptials earlier this month. Their wedding could not have been more beautiful & we were happy to be a part of their big day. Ben & Erin, we love you guys!!
Open Streets Knoxville

This Sunday Oct.25th from 1-4pm, Knoxville is shutting down Central Street from Willow in the Old City down to Happy Holler. Sponsored by Bike Walk Knoxville, we are encouraging everyone to come bike & walk Central Street & experience downtown from a whole new perspective. Lox is excited to participate in this event & will […]
Too Cool for School (budget)

Lox Salon opened it’s doors in September of 2006, filling a niche market that Knoxvillians were unaware they were ready for. How this town has embraced change since then! We are excited to be a part of this growing and increasingly vibrant city, & could not be more proud. This marks our 9th anniversary in […]