Lox keeps growing..
We’ve done it again & hired a new-t0-Lox stylist, but she is not new to the industry. Alillie Brady joins us as our newest team member & we are excited to show you all she has to offer. Alillie loves working with short hair, such as men’s cuts & pixies. She also is pretty skilled […]
Lox Supports Pride Fest & Cyclists
It’s officially Pride Week in Downtown Knoxville & there is a lot to celebrate! Check out the website for more details www.knoxpride.com & be sure when you march by the salon in the Old City during the Pride Parade you say Hi & pick up some swag. We will be offering hair chalk, stickers, & […]
Lox welcomes Melanie Farmer to Knoxville & to the team
Meet Melanie Farmer. New stylist to Knoxville & to Lox. Specialties: Short haircuts, Men’s styling & crazy colors Pastimes: Traveling, Exploring, Live Music, Festivals, “Netflixing with my dog” Astrology Sign: Capricorn “I like my coffee like I like my men- sweet, hot, & strong”
Master of Success

We call them “Masters” because of the hard work & dedication they have continually put forth in their careers. Every new stylist graduates Cosmetology School with a degree of ‘mastery’ over their new found craft. Only a few out of each graduating class really stick with it & push themselves to grow with the industry. […]